Saturday, May 28, 2011

Leaving Toledo tomorrow...

So tonight will be the last night I stay in Toledo... I'm so excited to go on to our weekend trip cities and Ciudad Real (where i'll meet my host family!) but Toledo is such a beautiful city and I will miss it here.  But it's time to move on to bigger or better things!  We are hitting three cities in the next three days so it's going to be a crazy weekend.  Trojillo and Caceres are the first two cities and I can't remember the third one.  I've very excited, but I am fully aware that it is probably going to be extremely hot!  I was worried about not spending summer in Texas so I'd miss the change in seasons but I'm getting similar weather here haha.  Yesterday was pretty low-key.  As soon as classes were over, we were free for the night so I took some time to nap and then went out shopping with some friends.  I have to say, I'm kind of an amazing daughter because I bought my dad a legit Toledo sword and I have yet to figure out how to carry it / get it home (and they aren't that cheap either lol).  After I bought that (and an adorable fedora for myself), Holly and I stopped and got some churros con chocolate. OMG delicious!  I know David will be iffy on Spanish churros because they aren't completely covered in sugar and cinnamon but I really enjoyed them.  When the two of us finally figured out how to pay at the restaurant we were at, we came back and rested before heading out again.  I have no idea how I continued to keep going last night, but I am glad I did because it was a lot of fun!  The not so fun part was waking up at 6:45 this morning so I wouldn't miss the bus to Madrid.  We stopped at a construction site on our way to Madrid this morning which was interesting.  The downside is that it was super muddy so everyones shoes were not so pretty looking by the time we left.  I was worried some of it was never going to come off but I think the downpour that hit us in Madrid took care of that for me.  Once we got to Madrid, a large group of us headed to the Royal Palace.  I was in awe of this place although truth be told, a lot of it was just plain gaudy lol.  But it was very interesting to see everything and hear some of the history of the Spanish family.  I'm so used to hearing the history of England because of America's relationship with that royal family that I forget other countries have their own history of royals.  Madrid was a typical big city in some ways, but it definitely still had that Spanish feel to it.  I really would have liked to stay longer than 6 hours so I could really experience it.  Guess that means I'll have to come back someday ;)  Spain just looks so different than Texas.  As we were driving, we encountered very few communities instead it didn't seem populated in between the cities.  Maybe they don't have hicktowns like Winnsboro haha.  After getting back tonight, I was very unsocial and came to my room to basically be lazy.  Not a bad idea if I do say so myself lol.  Well I'm going to finish packing the ridiculous amount of stuff I have so goodnight from Espana!
Muchos love to all =)
 churros con chocolate
they are hard to make out, but there is a windmill farm in the background... i also so an area with a ton of solar panels but missed my picture opportunity
 pretty view from bus
 royal palace in madrid
 from the courtyard
 cathedral behind the palace
 aww aren't i cute? lol jk
 apparently spain has magnolias as well... at least thats what this looks like to me =)
pretty view of the palace from the garden


  1. So since you are ahead in time, this says Saturday, the 28th... Casey says "she is in the future! -Ella esta en el futuro!"

  2. Wear your fedora in one of your pictures so I can see it!!! :) love you
