Wednesday, May 25, 2011

finally, a breath of fresh air!

Just so everyone knows, waking up after walking and sweating for miles but not being able to shower before bed because there is no water, feels disgusting!  Oh my goodness I didn't know I could feel that gross lol!  Running water is a wonderful luxury that I didn't like living without last night.  But it was ok, because I woke up to water that was brown haha... Its almost never-ending, but I can't help but laugh because I'm in Espana!  I was proud of myself for having the energy to get up, run my water til it was mostly clean, shower, go get breakfast, and still be on time for class.  Our morning started with a 2 hour lesson in Spanish, with essentially no English to help me out.  Our teacher was very helpful though because she spoke slow and used hand motions.  I would really love to be able to pick up more Spanish, but my 3 credits of Spanish don't seem to be worth a whole lot at the moment.  I am listening though, and I heard enough to know that tipping is not required and rarely accepted here.  They include tax in most things, so it's wonderful to know that the price you see is the price you pay.  It almost makes up for the exchange rate.  After a ton of classes, we got a little while to rest before heading out on a guided tour of the "Cathedral de Toledo"!  Holy gothic cathedral, it was B-E-A-UTIFUL!  I have visited old cathedrals / churches in London, but this was entirely different.  The ceilings went on forever and there were amazing stained glass windows at the top and tombs and details you couldn't begin to believe!  Unfortunately, I only got pictures of the outside because we weren't allowed to use cameras inside. BUT i did buy a souvenir book on the history of the cathedral and it came with pictures, so don't worry, you all will have the opportunity to see them.  I am almost positive that my mouth was hanging open then entire time.  The architecture and attention to detail is unsurpassed.  Our guide told us that this cathedral is the second most important in Europe second to the Vatican.  Not sure if he is just saying that because he is Spanish, but I definitely wouldn't doubt it.  To make my day even nicer, we were done around 6:30 today so I had an entire evening to sit at a Tapas bar and enjoy myself!  I'm really enjoying the people and the city and as always I'm thankful to be her!
Love to everyone!
 hard to be in class with a wide open window leading to a beautiful city
 and again...

 ... and a shared pina colada
 i loved this place!
I've literally seen this guy several times and he is adorable! so i creeped... yeah i know....


  1. Sounds like you had a great day!!! I am so enjoying reading your blog! Love you lots and lots!!!

  2. I showed the pics to the kids. T said "No fair!". Lol!!! Love love love seeing the pics and reading your blog every nt. TY!!!

  3. a little cheaper way to capture some of these places that won't let you take pictures is to get post can put 'em in a scrap book and no one will even know they aren't actually urs haha :D

