Sunday, May 29, 2011

A day of travels, sleeping and a soccer game

Toledo is officially behind me.. I'm so thankful I got to visit such a beautiful city and spend a good amount of time there.  I definitely would like to go back sometime in the future.  I surprisingly got everything into my suitcase and bag this morning (including a sword) so I guess thats something to be thankful for haha.  I'm so glad that we had a bus take our large suitcases down because it would have been next to impossible to get those down on our own.  Just to give you an idea, the way we leave the old city of Toledo, the part thats on the hill, we took five or six escalators to get back down to street level.  It was a very unique set up. After we finally got loaded on the bus, I'm pretty sure I passed out pretty quickly.  I'm at the point where I'm taking any opportunity to sleep.  We arrived in Trojillo around 11:30 and walked directly the main plaza to begin our tour (of course in the hot Spanish sun lol).  Just a brief description of Trojillo from my understanding is it is where Pizarro is from.  Of course it is old and has history with Romans, Visigoths and Moors but the most famous aspect is Pizarro.  For those of you that don't know, Pizarro was a bastard child (if I understood correctly) who went from being a nobody to a conquistador.  He, with his brother at his side, conquered the Incan empire and founded Lima which is the current capital of Peru.  Both he and his brother married Incan women to help bring peace.  He died in Peru I believe, but he is most certainly still celebrated in Trujillo.  One of the oddities I have to note about Trujillo is the storks.  From the main square alone, I could spot at least five stork nest and see storks flying around everywhere.  Kinda weird, but it made it unique!  The town was beautiful (of course) and we walked ALL over it.  We saw ancient structures and went to the highest point in the city which had an amazing view.  Once the tour was over, we ate lunch at Hotel Peru (which my Peruvian professor Paco loved haha) and headed to Caceres.  Our hotel here isn't in the center of town, so we mostly hung around here the majority of the evening since a nice storm came through.  Hopefully the rain will help bring the temperature down some before tomorrow when we tour the city.  I've very excited to see Caceres because I've heard it's a beautiful city.  Pictures will definitely be posted soon so everyone else can enjoy.  For now, I hope you enjoy my few pictures from Trojillo =)
Love y'all very much! 
 view from the plaza
 statue of pizarro
 look closely and you can see a stork
 cactus everywhere!
 nuns =)
 cute puppy!  everyone has a dog in Spain and unfortunately for me, my puppy is at home...

 beautiful view of the city behind me
another view of the statue

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