Sunday, May 22, 2011

3 terminals, lots of aggies, a few bus rides, and no electricity later...

So I decided to go ahead and write this blog even though my Internet in the dorm in Toledo is choosing to hate me.  Today/yesterday has been extremely eventful but I finally feel like I’m HERE, in Spain, ready to soak it up!  The day has been full of running around trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing.  After getting to DFW, I found my gate right off the bat and thought surely this must be a good sign!  It should be an easy flight and I’ll get exactly where I need to be in the Madrid, or so I thought.  The flight wasn’t bad except it was 9 hours and sleeping on planes is definitely NOT one of my special talents.  I tried taking some Nyquil and that just made me sleepy but it didn’t’ help with the comfort problem.  Thankfully, I had someone very nice next to me on the plane and they gave me their window seat.  Without that, I couldn’t have survived…  I met another Aggie on my flight and he was kind enough to help lead me from terminal 4 of the Madrid airport to terminal 4S to get my luggage and then help get me on the right bus to terminal 1.  The aggie network helped me out and the icing on the cake was he spoke fluent Spanish so the process was fairly quick =) After waiting around terminal 1 for hours and meeting other Aggies that weren’t even in my program, I finally was able to get on a bus to bring me to Toledo.  I tried my hardest to stay awake for the bus ride, but there was no way that was possible.  I’m afraid I may have missed some amazing scenery but I guess I’ll never know… Anyways, Toledo is GORGEOUS!  It’s absolutely beautiful.  The campus/ town (I haven’t quite figured it out) is set upon a hill and looks (and probably used to be) a castle! OMG you cannot even begin to believe how amazing it looks.  Also, I got my own room!  That is kind of exciting, also kind of disappointing, but I do know that when we get to Ciudad Real I will be with a host family!  The dorms here are very nice (it also doesn’t hurt I have my own bathroom)!  I managed to shut the electricity off in my room, even though I made sure to have adapters AND converters.  But it came back and I got to shower and feel clean for the first time in a while…  We had Chinese food for dinner so my first meal in Spain wasn’t even Spanish lol… Oh well, I am here, I am happy and I already miss everyone! 
Love y’all muchos!

 view from my window
 different angled view from my window
 my dorm room
 my bathroom (yeah, it's huge)
 random sights
 beautiful structures
 pretty flowers


  1. Molly - why a jOurney and it's only been a day!! I am so proud of you for being brave enough to do this by yourself!! I wasn't at your age - might not be even now!! Tu eres chica increible!!

  2. Oh and the pictures... Nearly a Harry met Sally moment just seeing such gorgeous buildings Etc. Lu!!

  3. ahhhh im so excited!!! im currently watching real housewives of orange county... you win!! keep posting and make lots of spanish friends. we need people to stay with when we get rich and travel all the time. loveeee you.

  4. haha i got my own dorm room by surprise too!! i am so excited for you! Live it up! You're going to miss Spain as much as home before you know it-trust you!

