Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can you become regulars after two days at a place?

Today has been another amazing day here in Toledo!  I am so thankful and blessed to be here and I am reminded of that constantly.  It is hard to wake up for classes at 9 every morning especially because we have 2 hours straight of Spanish, a 30 minute break and then another 2 hours of Spanish.  After Spanish classes, lunch and engineering lecture, we got to go on another tour today.  We went around the city more but focused on the Jewish quarter even though there are only 3 Jewish families left in Toledo.  It was really interesting and we got to see a monastery / cathedral.  Not sure what the correct title for it was.  It was beautiful, but it still couldn't hold water to the cathedral from yesterday.  It was a very good tour with an amazing tour guide, but after two hours it got a little tedious.  Spain (at least Toledo) actually can keep up with Texas as far as hot weather goes.  Thankfully, I have grown up in an extremely hot state so I am somewhat prepared for this hot weather.  It just gets confusing because it starts out in the 60 degrees or so in the morning but the temperature rises a lot and the sun doesn't go down until around 10.  Verrrrryyy disorienting at first...  Tomorrow, we get a free afternoon so I might take in a little shopping, hopefully acquiring some souvenirs for people at home.  I am DEFINITELY getting some churros con chocolate!  I had mazapan today; I had tried it earlier but Holly and I actually bought some today and it is amazing!  Very unique...  We also went back to the same tapas bar today so we have now been there three times in two days.  Its just a great place to sit and chill and drink and talk and eat!  It's just perfect!  I'm going to miss it when we leave Toledo.  Anywho, I have got to get some sleep tonight so I will continue to keep y'all updated.
Love y'all muchos!
 jewish quarter
 monastery from a distance
 queen isabel (spelling may be off)
all the pictures that follow are from the monastery / cathedral not sure what the correct title is


  1. You can definitely see the Moroccan influence in their architecture. Love it!! So glad you are having such a wonderful time. Enjoy!!

    Aunt Marian

  2. did anyone else see the satellite dish and air conditioner on the top of the monastery from a distance picture?
