Monday, June 6, 2011

Random Tidbits...

So because today is a fairly relaxing day, I'll go over it fairly quickly and make random comments that don't really go with anything.  Just wanted to give you a heads up, this blog will most definitely not be chronological and coherent is still debatable =)

To start off, I was kinda bummed today (even though I knew it was coming) because Paco mentioned our first homework assignment.  It was bound to happen so I guess it isn't too bad.  Even in Spain, engineers must do homework.  I am still trying to figure out how this class is going to work.  At the end of this week, we'll be half-way through the semester and I have heard nothing about a mid-term or anything of the sort.  It's hard to put this material on such a fast track and that is especially true in Spain.  The information we are learning is interesting though.  Maybe I'll go to grad school for water resources.  I'll have to ask Paco what the requirements for that are.  I wouldn't mind extending college by one year ;)  But money is good too... Ugh, decisions, decisions...

Today I wore sandals with no support.  Don't walk 20 minutes to and from class in poorly made sandals.

Walking from one side of an intersection to another is very difficult when intersections are circles.  There are lights and stop signs in Spain, but the more common layout of an intersection is a circle.  Each lane has a yield sign (sometimes a stop sign) and the continue to the right until they reach the road they are turning onto.  It is a very strange system and I can't figure out if it is more effective than huge intersections with lights. Maybe I should be a transportation engineer and study the differences.  But that doesn't sound fun at all, so for now, water resources is still top of the list.

Magnum ice cream needs to be in America.  I have no idea why it isn't already, but it is delicious. The first night I was with my host family, I had a carmel and nuts magnum bar for dessert and I fell in love.  It was creamy ice cream with caramel in the center and a crunch outside.  OH MY GOSH, love!  Then last night, they gave me a ice cream bar that was half ice cream sandwich and half crunch outside. Again, it was absolutely to die for!  I think I remember a commercial saying Magnum ice cream is coming to American and I am praying that it is true!

I am starting a list of foods that I will MAKE David try when he comes to Spain in July, but I would also like to find recipes for some things.  In last night's blog I talked about a tortilla de patatas, which seems like it would be easy enough to make.  I also want him to try chocolate con churros (or churros con chocolate, whichever you prefer) but I think he already plans on it lol.  I will make note of other dishes that are my favorites!

I am trying to drink more water because I know I'm not staying as hydrated as I need to be.  Lucky for me, a lot of places sell water in 1.5 L bottles so I can get most of what I need in one bottle.  Just thought this was interesting especially because most people here don't drink as much with their meals as Americans do, yet they sell huge bottles of water for individual use.  I haven't figured it out yet...

Another item of interest to me is the attitude towards gays and lesbians here in Spain.  I haven't actually discussed the general view of Spain on gay and lesbian rights with anyone, yet it appears that Spain is much more accepting than America.  I have seen several couples holding hands that were almost certainly younger than my 16-year-old sister.  In America (or at least in East Texas) kids almost never come out in high school but instead wait until college.  Apparently here, it is socially acceptable to come out at a much younger age.  This goes for both guys and girls because I've seen couples of both sexes.  This may not interest y'all, but it certainly does me.  America has this sense of being ahead of everyone else.  At least I've always gotten that vibe.  Even though we like to think that we accept things or welcome change first, we are definitely not the first country in this issue and I am curious as to if America will ever fully accept the gay and lesbian community.  Something to ponder over... 

I am sorry that this blog has been a tad unconventional as compared to my others, but I hope I have talked about something that interests you!  I love and miss everyone!


  1. Molly, I love your random thoughts. That tells me as much about Spain as the more conventional train of thoughts. I think you are right in thinking that the USA sees itself as so open and accepting, yet I, too, suspect the Puritan values have a very strong hold on us to this day. Can't wait to talk with you about all this! Love you much!! ~Aunt Marian

  2. Hi Molly! loving your blog. Glad you are having a great time and have a great host family. you take care and keep drinking that water - come home and teach us all how to cook the cool things you are learning (except for the sardines) ! Love you!!! The Gilbreath Gang

  3. Random thoughts back: 1. U clearly said U didn't try sardines. I can't read. Make David try them for me. 2. Go 2 grad school now. There's never a better time to be poor than where u r now. Besides old brains don't work as well (trust me on that one!!). 3 n Italy John was designated driver bwe couldn't figure out traffic circles either. He got to where he'd sit on the horn and barrel around til he got to his exit (sometimes we'd go around more than once). The rest of us would close our eyes and scream. So watch out for John-drivers!! 4. Drink a sangria for me. An exchange family from Spain visited Q when I was in college and made sangria. Best stuff I've ever had. :). 5 lu!!
