Thursday, June 9, 2011

Basketball today, Lisbon tomorrow

To start off, I finished all my homework today so I won't have any left to do next week!  That alone makes today a good day.  I'm so thankful I don't have to worry about all those problems (unless of course he assigns some more).  We worked through an example in class today that literally took almost 4 hours and that was with all the students working together.  Today was definitely a tedious class day, but I got ahead of the group by a little so I think I'm doing alright in this class.  I really would like to make A's in these two classes so I am working hard to keep up in order to reach my goal.

After lunch today, I took a short siesta on Holly's couch at the hotel.  I am very thankful I took the break because I played basketball afterwards and I would have died without that little bit of rest.  We are apparently playing sports every Tuesday and Thursday here in Ciudad Real.  The idea is good, but there is huge discrepancy in the talent of the players.  On Tuesday, we played soccer (fútbol).  When I say we, I don't mean me because #1 I forgot appropriate clothes and #2 I don't know if I've ever kicked a soccer ball in my life.  There were a lot of people (a lot of Spanish students) that knew what they were doing, and the rest pretty much did their best.  It was entertaining to watch and I must say, I'm somewhat glad I wasn't playing.  Fútbol is intense!  Today there was basketball and volleyball.  My team started out with basketball, but when we were supposed to move to the volleyball court, I joined another team and played more basketball.  I played four 10-minute basketball games today with very short breaks in between.  If this doesn't sound bad to you, congratulations, you are in better shape than me!  I am sorely out of shape and I hustled in all four games.  I'm just proud that I didn't fall over or anything.  I consider myself a success.

I have a sword that I am unsure of how to get back to the U.S.  I don't want to put it in my suitcase because my suitcase was already over 50 lbs on the way over and Shere Con (a.k.a. my wonderful Mama) paid the ridiculous fee.  I can't afford another fee on the way back, but my host mom said she thinks it'll be 30 euro to ship the sword.  If anyone has suggestions on how to take care of this sword, please let me know.  I wish I could get it back by Father's Day, but I'm afraid that isn't going to happen.

I know I'm getting repetitive, but I am SO happy with my host family!  I am reminded of this every day so I blog about it every day lol.  My host mom is an amazing cook!  Tonight we had grilled zucchini, chicken and pepper kabobs and gazpacho with a ham and hard-boiled eggs garnish.  I cleaned my plate completely.  I am glad that my host mom is such a good cook, because it means I actually enjoy eating.  I was afraid I would have to force myself to eat certain foods, but that has yet to happen with her cooking! Oh and here is an example of a midmorning snack (minus the coke, I bought that to help me through class).  This doesn't show the chocolate snacks or the peach.  How amazing is she!

So, tomorrow we are leaving for Lisbon, Portugal, at 6 in the morning.  I have no idea how I'm ever going to wake up that early.  I still have to pack tonight as well.  Oh boy this is going to be fun...  I am excited about Lisbon though!  And it has a beach so I will be a happy girl this weekend as long as I use my 70 SPF sunscreen! I will try and blog this weekend, but the hotel might not have wifi, so I will update everyone as soon as I can.  Love y'all!

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